Generation Summary

Peak Demand and Minimum Demand

Description Active Power (MW) Reactive Power (Mvar)

Net Generation Curve On

Daily Energy Data

Daily Generation Energy (GWh) Percentage (%)
IPP: independent power producers; SPP: small power producers.
Information not available in daily records will be included in annual publications.

Daily Energy Share


Night Peak Data (Complex Wise)

Night Peak Data (Complex Wise) Active Power (MW) Reactive Power (Mvar)

Night Peak Data Complex Wise (Active Power - MW)


Electricity Generation by Source (GWh)

Power Generation by Source at Night Peak (MW)

Present Level and Rainfall at Major Reservoirs

as at
Major Reservoir Present Level (masl) Rainfall (mm) for past 24 h

masl: meters above sea level

Present Level and Rainfall at Smaller Reservoirs or Ponds

as at
Reservoir/Pond Present Level (masl) Rainfall (mm) for past 24 h

masl: meters above sea level